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The difference between LiFePO4 battery and Lead-acid battery

Author:Baidu   Add Time:2018-6-1
In terms of volume and quality:
LiFePO4 battery is small and light, which is favored by users and becomes a selling point for products.
Lithium iron phosphate battery is 2/3 of the same capacity lead-acid battery
The quality of lithium iron phosphate battery is 1/3 of the same capacity lead-acid battery

From the cycle life:
Lead-acid battery, cycle life is about 300, up to 500
Lithium iron phosphate battery, cycle life is about 2000 times, 5 times that of lead-acid battery

Also at low temperatures, lithium battery performance is more temperature. The customers in Australia shared that in winter, lead-acid solar street lights could not work because the lead-acid batteries were frozen, but the lithium battery's street lights were working properly.

Because of the safety, high efficiency, performance stability, long life, and small size of lithium iron phosphate batteries, more and more emergency equipment such as emergency lights and other lighting, electric vehicles, and energy storage have gradually been replaced by lithium batteries. .
Next:LiFePO4 battery introduction